Remote Utility
About 1 minFeaturesRemote Utility
Remote Utility:
Claim Daily Commission Reward:
- Claims daily commission reward when all 4 comissions are completed.
Custom Talk:
- Starts a conversation using the conversation ID, some conversations might not work.
Note: This feature is dangerous. Note: To get the conversation ID, enable
Debug Talk
, ID will be displayed incmd
Spawn Gadget:
- Spawns the selected gadget by ID, some of them might not work.
Note: This feature is dangerous. Note 2: You can find the gadget IDs here
- Condensed Resin: Crafts a condensed resin if you got the resin and the items.
- Spawn Alchemy Table: Spawns an Alchemy Table.
- Spawn Forging Table: Spawns a Forging Table.
- Custom Combine: Will try to combine the selected item using the current character.
Note: If successful, there will be no prompt. Please check inventory. Note 2: You can find the combine IDs here
Summon NPC:
- Summons the selected NPC by ID.
Note: Katheryne, Wagner and Prince already included.
Summon Monster:
- Summons the selected monster with the selected parameters by ID.
Note: You can't kill them. Note 2: You can find the monster IDs here
Summon Item:
- Summons the selected item by ID.
Note: Some items might not work. Note 2: You can find the items IDs here
Open UI Page:
- Open Paimon Menu Page: Opens the menu.
- Open Cooking Page: Opens cooking page.
Note: Needs to open cooking page once before using this feature.
Worship Statue:
- Will worship the selected Statue of the Seven with the amount selected, need to have the oculus to do this.
Change Traveler Element:
- Allows player to change traveler element anywhere.